Train Line Managers in the use of the Performance Management tools.
Provide Line Management and Staff with guidance on areas in need of assistance.
Analyse Performance Assessment reports submitted from Units and produce consolidated reports for use by Management.
Identify performance gaps in the implementation of the performance management system and recommend appropriate interventions to address such gaps.
Undertake the recruitment and placement of staff per appropriate levels in line with company policies and procedures.
Ensure the recruitment process is efficient, enabling identification of suitable candidates. Maintain pools of potential job candidates from which the Bank can engage whenever the need for human resources arises.
Implement smooth on-boarding for new employees
Offer professional guidance on Industrial Relations matters to Line Management and staff & timeously offer solutions on IR challenges, queries or enquiries including proper interpretation, application & compliance with labour law statutes.
Guide and assist Line Management on proper handling of disciplinary matters in line with the Code of Conduct for the Banking Undertaking and the National Employment Code of Conduct including reviewing disciplinary charges and setting up disciplinary handling authorities & committees.
Prepare submissions on labour case appeals before the NEC and case handover notes to Bank lawyers.
Coordinate the formation of Workers’ Committee structures across branches and departments and ensure that the structures remain functional.
Engage Line Management to encourage regular Branch/Departmental staff meetings so as to enhance management/employee communication.