This research is aimed at finding the factors that affect employee resignation in organisations. The research also aims to predict who is currently looking for a job and who will leave his/her employer if the economy turns around. The research explored the relationship between demographic variables and resignation factors.
Summary of Key Findings:
1. The majority of respondents in this survey (82%) mentioned that they would tell their bosses the reason(s) why they are leaving, if they were to resign. 18% of the participants would not be able to tell their boss the reason(s) why they are leaving if they were to resign.
2. 48% of the respondents find it very difficult to hand in their resignation letter to their bosses. 52% of the participants find it very easy.
3. 44% of the participants said employees should not serve their full notice period after resigning. 56% of the participants said employees should serve their full notice period after resigning.
4. 60% of the participants are actively looking for a new job and 40% of the participants are not actively looking for a job.
5. A large percentage (63%) of the participants are going to leave their current employers if the economy turns around and 37% are not going to leave their current employers.
6. The majority of respondents (82%) have not been retrenched in their working career. Only 18% mentioned that they have been retrenched in their working career.
7. Seventy seven percent (77%) of respondents are not happy with what they are currently earning and 23% are happy.
8. Sixty three percent (63%) of respondents are happy with their supervisors and 37% are not happy.
9. Ninety three percent (93%) of the respondents like their boss and 7% hate their boss.
10. There is an association between employment level and whether someone will tell his/her boss why he is leaving the organisation. As we move from the bottom to the top of the organisation, people become less fearful to talk to their bosses why they are leaving the organisation.
11. Most of the participants that are at the lower level of the organisation are actively looking for a new job. Participants who occupy at the top management are happy with their bosses as compared to those that are at the bottom of the organisation.
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