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Ranking of Local Universities (Zimbabwe) by Quality of Graduates: An Employer’s Perspective

Editorial Team
Last Updated: 28-09-2021 1:03 PM

Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd carried out a survey to gauge the perceptions of employers with regard to the quality of graduates coming out of local Universities. The survey targeted Human Resources Professionals specifically and extended the invitation to other senior managerial roles. These participants were chosen for their experience in recruiting and selecting graduates from local universities and also for working with the graduates. The human resources professionals were also chosen because they are informed by line managers in cases were graduates hired fail to deliver value. The survey comprised of 103 participants representing 103 organisations from different economic sectors. Most of the participants were from the human resources profession (78%) with the remainder coming from other senior managerial professionals such as Finance Director, Engineering Manager and Head of Marketing.

Editorial Team

This article was written by one of the consultants at IPC

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