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Zimbabwe 2019: National Employee Engagement Benchmarking Report

Editorial Team
Last Updated: 22-07-2021 8:57 AM

Employee Engagement is defined as a heightened emotional connection that an employee feels for his or her organisation that influences him or her to exert greater discretionary effort to his or her work. A study conducted by Gallup, Inc. in the 1990s identified Employee Engagement as the most important factor in helping companies grow. Several, if not all, organisational performance indicators are significantly influenced by how much employees are effectively engaged in their jobs (workplaces). As such, to improve the performance of the organisation, management needs to take note of which areas to work on.

This Employee Engagement Survey was conducted by Industrial Psychology Consultants (Pvt) Ltd – an independent surveyor.

Although such surveys are critical to the performance and growth of the organisation, management should not rely solely on a single survey. Periodic surveys should be conducted. We suggest annually, so as to track the organisation’s performance and growth in relation to all employee engagement dimensions. After a series of surveys, it is only then that you can establish the link between your company’s performance and Employee Engagement.

Summary of Key Findings

The overall Employee Engagement Index (EEI) is 72%. In other words, at least 7 in every 10 employees are satisfied with their organisation as their employer.

The Strategic Direction Index is 96%. This suggests that approximately, all of the Zimbabwean employees have a good understanding of their organisation’s goals and targets and how their work contributes to achieving them.

The Leadership Index is 75%. This suggests that on average, 8 in every 10 of Zimbabwean staff are happy with their organisation’s leadership.

The Communication Index is 68%. This suggests that, on average, 7 in every 10 of Zimbabwean employees are satisfied with communication in their organisation.

The Relationship with Colleagues’ Index is 84%. This suggests that, on average, 8 in every 10 of the Zimbabwean organisations` staff are happy with their relationships with workmates.

The Supervision Index is 83%. This suggests that, on average, 8 in every 10 of the Zimbabwean employees are happy with their immediate supervisors in their organisations.

The Learning and Development Index is 75%. This suggests that, on average, 8 in every 10 of the employees are happy with the opportunities for learning and development available for them in their organisation.

42% of Zimbabwean employees perceive remuneration systems in their organisations in a positive way. This suggests that approximately 4 in every 10 of Zimbabwean employees are satisfied with their remuneration.

The Commitment and Loyalty Index is 68%. This suggests that, on average, 7 in every 10 of Zimbabwean employees are proud to work for their organisations.

The Job Design Index is 76%. This means that, on average, 8 in every 10 of Zimbabwean employees believe they use their skills and knowledge at work.

The Satisfaction Index is 71%. The result suggests that, on average, 7 in every 10 of the employees are satisfied with working for their organisations.

The Intention to Stay Index is 59%. This suggests that, on average, 6 in every 10 of the employees indicate having no intention to leave their organisations. This dimension received the lowest positive responses.

The Vigor Index is 73%. This suggests that, on average, 7 in 10 of the Zimbabwean employees show high levels of energy and mental resilience while working.

The Dedication Index is 76%. This suggests that, on average, 8 in every 10 of the Zimbabwean employees are strongly involved in their work and experience a sense of enthusiasm, inspiration, and challenge.

The Absorption Index is 65%. This suggests that, on average, 7 in 10 of the employees are fully concentrated and happily engrossed in their work.

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Editorial Team

This article was written by one of the consultants at IPC

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