Manager Legal and Compliance


Expiration date: 19 Oct 2018

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Duties and Responibilities 

Ensure compliance with all statutory requirements

Develop and implement an appropriate compliance monitoring plan

Develop and roll-out training on compliance with regulatory requirements

Identify, manage and mitigate legal issues and risks to protect legal rights and interests 

Identify and rectify legal and compliance breaches

Provide comprehensive legal and administrative support and guidance to the Board of

Provide an efficient corporate secretarial service

Review and provide opinions on proposed contracts, forms, disclosure, and advertising materials to ensure compliance with all existing, new or revised legal and compliance requirements in a timely manner


Qualifications and Attributes

Bachelor of Law Honours Degree

Minimum of 5 years’ experience in an insurance environment

Knowledge of litigation processes

Analytical skills

In-depth understanding of the Zimbabwean law

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20 Jan 2025


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